Our Services
Seminars & TrainingEach seminar built on top of the previous seminar and tailored for stakeholders and those not familiar with estate planning. Every effort is made to ensure the seminars are jargon-free and easy to understand. At Will & Legacy, we believe that education is essential in making sound and holistic decisions. Since estate planning is in effect, planning for life, there should be no compromise. Be educated in Your Estate Matters.
Our experienced Estate Planning Practitioners are also equipped to train, coach, and mentor Professional Financial Planners in this crucial part of the trade.
Will & Legacy offers both public and in-house seminars, do contact us here to invite us down as your keynote speaker or for a non-obligatory consultation.
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Legacy Seminar 1: Your Will Be Done
The quality of the Will has nothing to do with the quality of the paper it is written on. A Well Written Will is such because of the planning and thought that goes into the process of crafting it. This seminar is an eye-opening session designed for those who have yet to think through their Will. Fundamentally address the fundamental question – Why should we invest in a Will?
As family structures in Singapore experiences changes, the legal and support system struggles to keep up with the permutations. This seminar will reveal how divorce and remarriage impacts one’s estate plan or wealth distribution without a Will. Attendees will know what happens to their Estate at status quo should they proceed without a Will.
Key Learnings:
- The Fourth W of Wealth Planning
- Trust Embedded within a Will
- Dying without a Will
- Pitfalls without a Will
- You need a Will if…
- Will Planning Service
Legacy Seminar 2: Anatomy of a Will
This seminar covers the nuts and bolts of a Will, analysing in depth the various elements of a will and its relationship with each other. This Seminar is ideal for those who want to have a more critical understanding of their existing Will or wishes to be a more involved actor in his estate planning. Before one can identify what is missing, one must know how a complete item looks like. This seminar addresses, What is a Will and What does it consists?
Will & Legacy strongly recommend professionals who are married or divorced with children to attend this seminar.
Key Learnings:
- Testator, Country of Domicile, Multiple Wills
- Executor(s), Trustee(s) & Guardian(s)
- Specific Gifts vs Residuary Gifts
- Movable Assets & Immovable Assets
- Severance of Joint Tenancy to Tenancy In Common
- Beneficiaries – Substitute, Generic, Unborn Child
- Commorientes & Survival Clause
- Inheritance (Family Provision) Act
- Contemplation of Marriage
- Outright Gifts vs Conditional Gifts
- Example of Testamentary Trusts
- Attestation
Legacy Seminar 3: In Whom We Trust
Our experience has shown us how well meaning and intentioned Will fail our holistic planning test because these Wills do not consider the state of those who are inheriting the estate. They could be too young, too old, irresponsible, financially immature, lacking mental capacity, etc.
It is instances such as the above mentioned that Testamentary Trusts and Living Trusts are erected to facilitate the optimal distribution of one’s estate. This seminar covers intimate aspects and deeply personal convictions of a person before they consider crafting their Will. The end state of affairs and the climate of the family culture are all key elements in its considerations.
Key Learnings:
- Will vs Trust
- Features of a Trust
- Testamentary Trust vs Living Trust
- Individual Trustee(s) vs Corporate Trustee
- Examples of Living Trust
- Insurance Trust
- Standby Trust
- Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
- The Ultimate Trust (3-in-1 Trust)
- Trust Planning Process
Legacy Seminar 4:
Till Death Do Us Part
One may assume that a Will is the end to any estate problems, yet time and time again, a poorly done Will has shown to only make matters worse.
This is the essential seminar for the Executor(s), Trustee(s) & Guardian(s) appointed in your Will. We explore the legal process called Probate, and the roles the various parties will play.
Key Learnings:
- The Probate Process
- Role of Executor/Administrator, Trustee & Guardian
- The Schedule of Assets
- Funeral Instructions – should it be included in the Will?
- Pitfalls with a Will
- Why a corporate executor/trustee makes senses?
- You need a Will if…
- Will Planning Service